Mark Stopa Appears To Be Practicing Law Without A License. Why Isn’t The Florida Bar Doing Anything?

Mark Stopa appears to be in denial about the Florida Bar revoking his law license in 2019. The disbarred attorney appears to be marketing his firm on the internet and practicing law without a license.
Unfortunately for Stopa, he can’t practice law again.
In 2018, the Florida Bar suspended Stopa’s law license. The Bar officially banned him for life from practicing law in 2019. Weeks after losing his license, Stopa told the American Bar Journal that he no longer wished to practice law. Yet, Stopa has continued to play lawyer by filing frivolous pro-se SLAPP lawsuits against all of his critics in an attempt to silence them.
Stopa is also promoting his former legal practice.
On October 25, 2022, Stopa reactivated his law firm website, The website also promotes Stopa as being an attorney in good standing.
In addition, Stopa’s law firm Twitter account and YouTube channel are also still active. Also, his personal Linkedin account makes it appear he is still a practicing attorney. All indications are that Stopa is promoting himself as a licensed attorney.
So, where is the Florida Bar? Multiple people have filed bar complaints against Mark Stopa. The complaints allege he is committing unlicensed practice of law. Yet, no action has been taken.
Mark Stopa Also Appears To Suffer From Severe Mental Illness
Mark Stopa has also sunk to new levels in the past 6 or seven years. It’s also very tragic to watch. He needs help. Unfortunately, he won’t get it.
Stopa’s obvious mental health issues were on full display during his fight with the Florida Bar 2018 and 2019. Unfortunately, Stopa’s mental health has only deteriorated to the point it’s like being around Joan Crawford.
Stopa has yet to take responsibility for his disbarment. He likes to blame Illuminati conspiracy theories and has blamed everyone except for reptilian space creatures for his disbarment.
Stopa has become completely unhinged from reality. Doctors need to medicate Stopa immediately or locked up under the Baker Act.
Sadly, he is also completely oblivious to the criminal investigation against him. FDLE is looking into his shenanigans detailed in Dossier 2.0 foreclosure scam.
He also boldly proclaims the FDLE and Federal authorities have “nothing” on him. Stopa claims he has been cleared of any wrong doing. Although, our sources say this is not true.
If convicted, Stopa faces upwards of 37 years in prison if convicted. This is even with the best plea deal.
I am a former employee and I can verify that Stopa used to sit in the conference room and write his own pleadings, then have attorney Lee Siegel sign off on everything and file it with the court as if attorney Siegel had written the pleadings.