The years-long State and Federal RICO investigation of Mark Stopa and his crime family is coming to a close.
Now it appears EVERYONE seems to know what is coming for Mark Stopa. That is except for delusional, schizo-sociopath in denial “I’ve done nothing wrong” Mark Stopa.
Mark Stopa’s name is a toxic pile of shit. That is unless you are a criminal defense attorney specializing in Stopa-style RICO crimes. Things like racketeering, extortion, money laundering, and bank fraud all fall under RICO statutes.
There are dozens of criminal defense attorneys across Florida now using Stopa’s name as a keyword in their online google ads like:
“Facing Federal Charges?”
“RICO, Money Laundering or Bank Fraud?”
We never saw this before. Why are these attorneys running these ads NOW? WHAT DO THEY KNOW?
It’s obvious they have the inside track on what is coming very soon for Mark Stopa!
…AND DO YOU THINK they might just be getting their ads ready NOW?
They want to cash in on the biggest breaking news bombshell story of the decade! They want to be ready for when Mark Stopa and his crime family are taken down.
Trust us, this will be the largest State and Federal RICO “round up” raid in Florida history!
Is Vexatious Pro Se Litigant Stopa Going to Sue Them All?

Mark Stopa is a master at LAWFARE. Especially in Pinellas County. Judges in Pinellas know Stopa is nuts and they are all afraid Stopa will show up at their house with a sawed off shotgun if he doesn’t get his way in court.
Stopa weaponizes the court system to silence and punish anyone who speaks the truth about his crimes.
But can Mark Stopa sue everyone?
The “MARK STOPA” keyword is RED HOT right now being used by criminal defense attorneys across the country who specialize in defending RICO, BANK FRAUD, MONEY LAUNDERING, EXTORTION etc.
Something is definitely going on. They say the free market never lies and Stopa – who fancies himself as some type of “financial expert” on Twitter X – would no doubt agree. But unfortunately for Stopa, he is a fraud – not a financial expert.
Hell, he wasn’t even a good foreclosure defense lawyer. STOPA LIED (what a surprise) about how many clients and client dismissals he had. The bankruptcy petition on his now defunct Stopa Law Firm lists fewer than 3,500 TOTAL clients yet he claims to have had over 2,000 dismissals?
Holy Delusion Batman!
The real question you need to ask Mark Stopa is HOW MANY HOMES DID YOU SAVE FOR YOUR CLIENTS?
The answer to that is a BIG FAT ZERO.
Every single one of his clients eventually lost their home.
Every. Single. One.
Stopa was nothing but a conman with a law license.
Rumor was he CHEATED on his bar exam. He allegedly paid a Chinese national at UF to take the bar exam for him (more about that in the next article). This is why he always had to resort to underhanded court tricks because he was too stupid to win cases on their merits.
He wanted a law license so he could steal and unjustly enrich himself by ripping off his own clients.
But it appears the truth about Mark Stopa is now common knowledge with criminal defense attorneys across the country. They all know what is coming for him. Whenever you see early movement by industry experts in any market, it usually means something BIG is coming.
Will Mark Stopa Play the SUPER VICTIM Card?
It’s obvious disbarred fraudster Attorney Mark Stopa is in denial about going to prison.
Legal experts suspect that Stopa is now going to play the SUPER VICTIM projection card. This is what happened when he was disbarred. He pivoted to divert attention away from his own crimes by PROJECTING them on all of his opponents.
He wrote a failed book pushing nonsensical Illuminati conspiracy theories about “banks conspiring with private investigators” as the reason for his disbarment. When he knows that it was a Miami blogger who wrote Dossier 1.0.
Is Stopa Part Of The Sovereign Citizen Movement Or Is He Just Crazy?
Now, Stopa’s legal arguments sound like the word salad spewed by nutty Sovereign Citizens. There is also no doubt you will soon see Stopa go into full projection mode to divert attention away from the coming raid by accusing all of his opponents as the real criminals who are under investigation.
Will the Vexatious litigant nut job go Pro Se crazy and triple down to sue everyone?
We hear Stopa is having mega money problems. Thanks to, his criminal enterprise has had it’s balls cut off. He now has $0 money coming in the door so, we doubt if he will be able to self-fund a new wave of frivolous lawsuits.
Maybe he will pull in one of his old money-bag financiers like Phil Garfinkle to fund all his frivolous Pro Se lawsuits to try to clear his toxic name. You remember him – he was the side hustle love slave of Stopa’s wife, Adrienne Federico.
Or do you think he might use one of his tried and true dirty court tricks and file in family court?
This way the cheap MFer doesn’t have to post a bond. He can also manipulate senile hospice bound judges like Jack Hellinger in order to get an injunction to stop all the ads?
Only time will tell.
But oh… that’s right… we forgot.
Mark Stopa is running out of time.
In fact… he is out of time.
So gather round friends and keep an eye on your news feed…
The STOPA SHIT SHOW is about to begin.
Also, Check Out These Articles About Mark Stopa:
Another Mark Stopa Confession: This Time to Jessy Joseph
Mark Stopa Confession and Apology to Chris Dennison
Mark Stopa is Completely Unhinged! Is He Going to Harm Himself?
The Arrest of Mark Stopa: Gamblers are Now Weighing In
MARK STOPA DIVORCE SHOCKER! Is Adrienne Dropping The Bomb?
Mark Stopa Client Claims His Law Firm Sexually Harassed Her
Adrienne Federico And Mark Stopa: Beauty And The Angry Beast
Mark Stopa Shit His Pants In Court! We Shit You Not!
Will The Court Finally Declare Psychotic Mark Stopa Declare NUTS?
Mark Stopa Fraud Compensation Deadline Moved to August 1st
Mark Stopa Clients Filed 50+ Bar Complaints Against Stopa
Is Scammer Mark Stopa Going to Burn in Hell?
Mark Stopa Sting Operation Snags Dozens of Crime Family Attorneys
Stopa Slapped With Barrage of Criminal Subpoenas
Mark Stopa Dirty Secrets: What Mysteries Lie in Stopa’s Bar File?
Retired Corrupt Judge Anthony Rondolino Has Rekindled His Stopa Bromance
Does Mark Stopa Have Drug Addiction Issues?
Florida AG Ashley Moody is AWOL on Mark Stopa Investigation
Mark Stopa is Mocking Florida AG Ashley Moody and FDLE
Attorney Vestalia Aylsworth: Who Is Stopa’s New Patsy Lawyer?
NEW MARK STOPA SCAM! Stopa’s New Scam In Duval County
Operation Lawless Lawyer Closes In On Mark Stopa
Mark Stopa Confessions: Did Stopa Admit To Ripping Off Clients?
How Florida Grinch Mark Stopa Stole a $2.1 Million Christmas
Whistleblowers Bust The Stopa-Federico Crime Family AGAIN!
Mobster Mom Adrienne Federico Busted In Another Scam
Scumbag Mark Stopa Busted Stealing From Elderly Clients
Mark Stopa Scam Alert: The Christopher Dennison Story
Let’s also take a moment of silence to remember the Mark Stopa Victims who lost millions to his scam over the last several months:

Over $60 Million has been STOLEN by Mark Stopa and the Adrienne Federico Crime Family