Mark Stopa Fraud Compensation Deadline Moved To August 1st

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Mark Stopa Adrienne Federico Crime FamilyAuthorities have EXTENDED the deadline for Mark Stopa fraud victims to file a fraud claim to August 1, 2024.

An associate close to the investigation said investigators have received several hundred leads from the internet. Sources at FDLE and the Florida AG’s office continue to receive “dozens” of new leads daily from Mark Stopa former clients and fraud victims who were scammed out of their home by Mark Stopa.

“It’s just overwhelming…”

Authorities are swamped with leads from Mark Stopa fraud victims. They are still shocked at the level of Stopa’s brazen fraud.

It appears this is what is causing further delays in “indictment day.”

Authorities are saying they want to give the thousands of Mark Stopa victims an opportunity to be heard and file their claim.

Good News for Thousands of Mark Stopa Victims

This indictment delay is good news for you if you are a former client or victim of Mark Stopa and you were ripped off, had your home stolen or credit destroyed as this fraudster kept your foreclosure alive in order to skim illicit rents.

You may have a claim to recover compensation.   Act now!

However, you must act before August 1, 2024!

Yes, you heard that right. However, you are probably asking yourself, “How do I get my money back from this scam artist son of a bitch?” 

You need to complete a two-step process to see if you qualify. 

The 2-Step Process To Get Compensated If You Are A Former Client Of Mark Stopa 

Step 1: Contact FDLE and File A Criminal Complaint

Contact the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) in Tampa at 813.878.7300.

Ask the secretary to speak to the Special Agent in charge of the ongoing Mark Stopa Crime Family Investigation.  You will be directed to the Special Agent that is heading up the racketeering investigation into all of Mark Stopa’s statewide scams.

Tell the Special Agent that you were a former client of Mark Stopa’s law firm or you are a victim of one of his many fraud on the court scams.  Ask him if you can file a criminal complaint with him or if you have to do with in county where you live.

You may have to file it where you live and then give the Special Agent the incident police report number. He may also ask you to send him a copy of the report.

When filing the report, also make sure you are as detailed as possible about dates and what criminal scumbag Mark Stopa told you or did to you.

Law enforcement will also want to see any documentation you have. 

Step 2: Contact The State Bar of Florida

Okay, here is what you do after you have filed a criminal complaint.

You call the State Bar of Florida’s ACAP hotline at 866.332.0707. ACAP stands for Attorney/Consumer Assistance Program. You can also fill out a complaint form at their website here

The Florida Bar is very aware of Mark Stopa and his past. They have a 35,000 page file on him including 50+ bar complaints from 2012 through 2018. All of this led to the Florida Supreme Court permanently revoking Stopa’s law license in 2019. In addition, they also have several open investigations against him for Unlicensed Practice of Law.

You are probably wondering why should you contact the Florida Bar if Mark Stopa is no longer a licensed attorney. Well, the answer to that is quite simple. 

The Florida Bar Requires Florida Lawyers To Have IOTA Accounts

The Florida Bar requires all Florida lawyers (including Stopa at the time) to have an IOTA account. An IOTA account is an interest bearing bank account monitored by the Florida Bar. Why does the Florida Bar monitor this account? This is because attorneys have to pay the interest from the account to the Florida Bar. 

These monies then get pooled together and put into what is known as the Clients’ Security Fund. This fund then goes to victims of unscrupulous attorneys like Stopa. 

The Stopa Law Firm raked in tens of millions of dollars from his clients from 2008 until September 2018 when the firm filed bankruptcy.

Thus, the Florida Bar was raking in the dough from Stopa from the interest on his IOTA account. This is one of the reasons they were reluctant to disbar him in 2014 and 2018. They only disbarred him because they realized they didn’t have a choice.

Pretty much every judge in Florida read Fraud Dossier 1.0. As a result, an army of judges demanded Stopa be disbarred.

It’s Not Too Late To Make A Claim To The Florida Bar Security Fund

The nice women who answer the phone at the Florida Bar will forward you to a link a page on the Florida Bar’s website that contains the Client’s Security Fund.

The page has a list of the items you need to file a claim. The Florida Bar will only cover any legal fees you paid to Stopa and his law firm.

Keep in mind, two things. The fund is discretionary. This means the fund is not obligated to pay any claim. Also keep in mind that the claim could take up to a year to process. So, you need to be diligent and act like a bill collector and call them once a month. 

However, keep in mind, the Florida Bar’s website does say:

The Clients’ Security Fund will not consider a claim against a member who is in good standing and eligible to practice law. Discipline in the form of a suspension, disbarment or revocation is a prerequisite to a claim being considered, unless the attorney is deceased.

However, due to the severity of the problem Mark Stopa created on the Florida judicial system, they may make an exception for you. Several Mark Stopa victims have told us that the Florida Bar did make an exception for them. Therefore, we recommend contacting the Florida Bar and finding out.

Check Out A Previous Article We Wrote About This Below:

Former Mark Stopa Clients Could Be Entitled To Compensation



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