Emails Show Former 6th Circuit Chief Judge Anthony Rondolino Colluded With Disbarred Attorney Mark Stopa To Rig Court Cases

A MASSIVE MARK STOPA COLLUSION CORRUPTION SCANDAL is breaking in the 6th Judicial Circuit. Former Chief Judge Anthony Rondolino colluded with disbarred attorney Mark Stopa to help Stopa rig litigation Stopa is involved in as a pro-se litigant.
Emails between Mark Stopa and the former Chief Judge show Rondolino used his influence as chief judge to help rig court cases in Stopa’s favor.
The Stopa – Rondolino collusion bromance is over but will these two get away Scot-Free? Not if we can help it.
These emails may explain why Rondolino abruptly retired on July 1st.
Was he so is so scared of what a JQC inquiry would discover? Did he tell Mark Stopa he can have no more communication with him?
Internal emails between Stopa and Rondolino gathered from a FOIA request in one of Stopa’s cases reveals extremely disturbing ex-parte collusion between Rondolino and disbarred attorney Mark Stopa. Rondolino also used his influence to introduce Stopa to Pinellas State Attorney Bruce Bartlett.
Stopa as we all know, is under two criminal racketeering investigations by FDLE, the FBI and the HUD-Office of the Inspector General.
The emails show Stopa choreographed a frivolous lawsuit and later an injunction to silence a well-known international Miami blogger who had been writing about Stopa’s disbarment.
According to court filings in the 2ndDCA, it is alleged Family Court Judge Jack Helinger wrongfully entered an injunction against the blogger. Thus, stripping him of his constitutional rights. The big question is was this all done to appease Rondolino and Stopa?
Is This How Mark Stopa Was Able to Operate His Scams with Impunity?
For nearly a decade, Mark Stopa ripped off thousands of his own law clients and stole their homes to equity skim the rents.
Even after he was disbarred, he blamed Judges in his failed People v Money manifesto for his disbarment. Yet, Stopa also continued running a new foreclosure surplus scam stealing millions of dollars with impunity in plain sight.
What if certain Judges like Rondolino were in on the Stopa scam the entire time?
Was Mark Stopa bribing Judges to rule in his favor? Was Stopa blackmailing Rondolino?
For years, victims pleaded with Judge Rondolino to STOP THE MARK STOPA SCAMS, but he ignored everyone.
Now we know why.
It appears now that Rondolino and judges like Jack Helinger were actually colluding with Mark Stopa to help him rig cases and steal millions of dollars from the public.
Let that sink in.
The sitting Chief Judge and a Family Court Judge with rumored Stage 1 Alzheimer’s were both colluding with a criminal disbarred attorney to rig cases in Stopa’s favor.
Every Judge in Florida Knows Mark Stopa is Under FDLE and FBI Investigation

Every Judge in Florida knows that Mark Stopa is currently under an active FDLE and FBI investigation for his equity skimming and bogus foreclosure surplus fraud scams. It is the biggest open secret along the gulf coast of Florida. EVERYBODY knows about it including Mark Stopa.
Several Judges have communicated directly with FDLE about Mark Stopa’s scams. So they all know. All the Judges are talking about it.
Rondolino and Helinger both knew but still assisted Stopa in rigging cases in his favor. WHY?
WHY did Rondolino and Helinger risk everything to actively assist a criminal disbarred attorney in defrauding the court?
Is Mark Stopa blackmailing Judges? Does he have some type of “Jeffrey Epstein-style evidence” against the judges? Is this why Judge Rondolino abruptly retired in July?
What the Hell is Going On in the 6th Judicial Circus? wants to know what the hell is going on in the 6th Judicial Circus?
Where is law enforcement or the Florida Bar on this? Also, where is Governor DeSantis, AG Ashley Moody and the “law and order” GOP dominated legislature on this?
Why is Mark Stopa and his entire crime family being protected?
Additionally, why is Mark Stopa still walking around as a free man when other disbarred Stopa Copy Cat Attorneys like Nicholas Steffens and Constantine Kalogianis both got a decade in prison for far lesser crimes?
Over the years, Mark Stopa and his crime family manipulated the courts to steal millions of dollars from hundreds of victims. All with Judges looking the other way.
Now we know why.
You can see the EXTREMELY DISTURBING emails below. These emails clearly show collusion between Chief Judge Anthony Rondolino and criminal disbarred attorney Mark Stopa. It also shows Rondolino abusing his position as Chief Judge to help Stopa. These emails would have gotten Rondolino kicked off the bench and disbarred had he not resigned.
How many other times did Mark Stopa collude with Judges in Pinellas County in secret ex-parte communications to gain an advantage in his cases?
Is this how Mark Stopa is able to implement his frauds on the court?
Was Mark Stopa having secret ex-parte communications with Judges to RIG CASES in HIS FAVOR?
Is this WHY NOTHING is being done to stop Mark Stopa’s foreclosure surplus scams?
Was Chief Judge Anthony Rondolino also colluding with Mark Stopa to rig other court cases? Did Rondolino also help Stopa defraud innocent auction bidders out of millions of dollars?
The Emails…
When you read the emails below, remember that numerous whistleblowers emailed Judge Rondolino years ago warning him about Mark Stopa’s foreclosure surplus scam frauds on the court.
Judge Rondolino DID NOTHING with those emails he received. He NEVER forwarded them to State Attorney Bartlett or the FDLE.
He DID NOTHING and let Mark Stopa and his crime family at Segal & Schuh steal MILLIONS from innocent citizens.
But the moment his bromance buddy Mark Stopa whines about an internet post he doesn’t like – Rondolino jumps to his rescue and makes a referral to the State Attorney.
Rondolino should be stripped of his pension and that money should go to reimburse all the Mark Stopa victims.
What a disgrace.

Check Out More Stories About Mark Stopa’s Equity Skimming:
Is Adrienne Federico is Eating Herself to Death Due to Stress?
The Mark Stopa Disbarment: The Truth Vs. Mark Stopa
Is Gary Stopa the Real Ruler of the Stopa Crime Family?
Florida Bar Ineptitude Allows Mark Stopa to Steal Millions
Is Otis Elevator Salesman Kyle Stopa Part of the Stopa Crime Family?
Did Missing Steven Cozzi Know The Dirty Secrets Of Mark Stopa?
Mark Stopa Criminal Copycat Gets 9 Years in Prison
The SS Mark Stopa Is Sinking Fast!
How Florida Grinch Mark Stopa Stole a $2.1 Million Christmas
Whistleblowers Bust The Stopa-Federico Crime Family AGAIN!
Mobster Mom Adrienne Federico Busted In Another Scam
Scumbag Mark Stopa Busted Stealing From Elderly Clients
Mark Stopa Scam Alert: The Christopher Dennison Story
Ethical Misfit Mark Stopa Called Out By Legal Website

Let’s also take a moment of silence to remember the Mark Stopa Victims who lost millions to his scam over the last several months:
Over $10 Million STOLEN by Mark Stopa and the Federico Crime Family
This is just a small sample of victims. The Stopa-Federico Crime Family also has dozens of shell companies running the same scam in multiple counties throughout the State of Florida.
Are You A Victim Of One Of The Stopa-Federico Crime Family Real Estate Or Foreclosure Surplus Scams?
Are you a former Mark Stopa client who lost their home?
Click here to contact FDLE today if you are victim of Mark Stopa or have further details about his scams. You Can Also Contact Us Here.
You can also read more about Mark Stopa on
No More Tick Tock, You Dumbass Lying Thief.
You are now out of time.
Let the show begin