Mark Stopa Tampa Scam

Mark Stopa Tampa Scam Alert!

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Mark Stopa Tampa ScamMark Stopa is DESPERATE FOR CASH! So, you know what that means! It’s time for a MARK STOPA TAMPA SCAM ALERT! 

A former bookkeeper who was never paid is reporting that Mark Stopa is now broke. Yet, this is despite the windfall of stolen funds through all of his fraud-on-the-court scams over the years. 

She cited his addiction to prescription pain killers and gay prostitutes. In addition to his addiction to gambling on fantasy football. This and his crushing legal bills to criminal defense attorney Todd Foster. All of this is causing him to hemorrhage cash.

Federal and State Investigators have Stopa under around the clock surveillance watching his every move. Yet, Stopa is a defiant criminal and continues to run foreclosure surplus fraud scams.

The latest “Mark Stopa Tampa Scam” is in Hillsborough County, Case # 25CC-9920. It also follows the same exact pattern as all of Stopa’s other fraud-on-the-court scams.

The story begins with Stopa stealing the deed from Randy Ervin’s home at 4319 Balington Drive in Valrico. Randy Ervin was a former Stopa client way back in 2017 before the Florida Supreme Court revoked Stopa’s law license.

The Mark Stopa Tampa Scam Obstructs Lender’s Foreclosure To Skim Rents for 8 YEARS!

mark stopa scam
Stopa Runs His “I Have An Investor” Scam

The last payment Ervin ever made on his home was February 1, 2010. This is OVER 15 YEARS AGO!  Ervin was fighting to SAVE his home when he contacted Mark Stopa for help.

Stopa saw a PRIME rental opportunity. As a result, he pulled his patented “I have an investor” scam.

He lied to his client that he had a real estate investor who would buy the home. Stopa also told him that the investor could put an end to all of Ervin’s legal troubles with the bank.

Stopa conned his client to deed his home over to Inland Assets LLC. Inland Assets LLC is a New Mexico alter-ego shell company owned and controlled by Mark Stopa.

Ervin thought Stopa was helping him. However, he had no idea that Stopa was the actual “investor.” 

He also had no idea what Stopa was up to. Stopa would use multiple legal tricks to obstruct and delay Ervin’s mortgage lender and equity skim the rents for another 8 YEARS!

Stopa put Ervin through living hell. Ervin couldn’t stop the mortgage lates from dinging his credit each month. As a result, Stopa destroyed Ervin’s credit. Why? All so Stopa could skim $2,500 per month off the equity for the next 8 YEARS.

Authorities estimate Stopa skimmed over $240,000 in rents from Ervin’s home. These rents rightly belonged to Randy Ervin. Ervin’s payments should have been paid to the mortgage lender.  NOT MARK STOPA!

This eviction filing shows how ruthless Stopa treated tenants who discovered his equity skimming fraud and stopped paying.

Mark Stopa Tampa Scam Is A Felony Under State and Federal Law

Stopa vigorously maintains he has done nothing wrong in all his frivolous Pro Se court filings. Yet, EQUITY SKIMMING is a felony under State and Federal Law. It brings upwards of 5 years in prison for each count. 

Mark Stopa has stolen the deeds from hundreds of former clients. He has also skimmed the rents on their homes during the course of his criminal career. Numbers don’t lie and that is why experts are predicting Stopa will spend the rest of his life in prison.

Stopa Transfers Deed to Hide From FDLE Investigation

By December of 2020, the FDLE investigation was in full gear.  Stopa had been disbarred in 2019. The Statewide Prosecutor was hitting him with an onslaught of subpoenas. They wanted him to reveal all of his stolen real estate.

During this time, Mark Stopa was frantically transferring the deeds to all his stolen rental properties. He was attempting to evade the subpoenas. How? He wanted it to appear he sold the homes and was no longer the owner.

When authorities subpoenaed Inland Assets, Stopa quickly deeded Ervin’s home from Inland Assets LLC to a newly created shell company called FUBAR ASSETS LLC. This is was done to conceal the property from investigators. FUBAR wasn’t on the investigators radar. Thus, the ever defiant Stopa thought he could hide the home in order to continue skimming the rents.

Stopa defied subpoenas as he continued skimming the rents under FUBAR ASSETS. He did this for another 5 years. 

Stopa eventually thought he was in the clear. Even now he brags that investigators have “nothing on him.”   However, Stopa didn’t realize that State and Federal investigators were watching everything. They knew exactly what Stopa was doing. They were monitoring his phone and emails, they were also watching his bank transactions.

State and Federal investigators have it all.

The FUNICK LLC Fake 2nd Mortgage Scam

In October 2023, Stopa realized the equity skimming gravy train on Ervin’s home was coming to end. So, he implemented the first stage of his foreclosure surplus scam.

He fabricated a fake second mortgage for $21,250 to his “straw lender” Funick LLC. Funick LLC is another Stopa controlled alter ego shell company.

Funick is “managed” by his corrupt crime family attorney Vestalia Aylsworth.

Does Anyone Believe Stopa Needed To Borrow $21,250 After Skimming $240,000 in Rent?

Does anyone really believe that Mark Stopa needed to “borrow” $21,250 after skimming $240,000?

Furthermore, a legitimate lender would NEVER make a second mortgage loan on a negative equity property.  But, all of this is part of the scam.  It is a setup to fool judges. Stopa and Aylsworth collude together to make it appear that the DEBT is legitimate. This helps with STAGE 2 of the scam. It allows them to fool a judge into entering a foreclosure judgment for the fake debt.

Aylsworth is a licensed Florida Attorney. She is running cover for Stopa’s scams. Believe it, she knows full well exactly what Stopa is doing.

The Florida Bar is currently investigating Aylsworth. However, she is still listed an an attorney in “good standing.”

She has been colluding with Mark Stopa to steal millions from innocent auction buyers.

Why does Aylsworth still have a law license you ask?

You’ll have to ask the corrupt Florida Bar. They seem to be more concerned with preserving their image than protecting Floridians from fraudster attorneys.

FUBAR ASSETS Hit With Foreclosure from Lender and Funick Fake Mortgage

On February 26, 2025, the first lien holder Wilmington Savings Fund filed foreclosure against FUBAR ASSETS LLC in Hillsborough County Case 25CA-1642.

The lender is seeking to recover over $376,000 in principal and over $451,000 in past due payments. These are funds that Stopa skimmed from them.

How can Mark Stopa possibly believe he would not get caught skimming rents? He deprived the lender of over $451,000 in payments is not a crime?

Meanwhile, on March 6, 2025, Vestalia Aylsworth quietly implemented STAGE 2 of the scam by filing a foreclosure against Fubar Assets in Hillsborough County Case 25CC-9220.

Stopa’s Foreclosure Surplus Scam In Action


Here is where you see Stopa’s foreclosure surplus scam in action. In the complaint, Aylworth alleges that Mark Stopa and FUBAR ASSETS defaulted by failing to make payments. 

With our Mark Stopa Scammer Crystal Ball we can see what will happen next. Why? Stopa’s  foreclosure surplus scams all follow the same pattern.

Aylsworth will serve Mark Stopa as manager of FUBAR ASSETS LLC with this bogus complaint. He will NOT answer the lawsuit and will be defaulted. Thus, this will allow Aylworth to move quickly to fool a judge into signing an order scheduling a foreclosure auction date.

Enter Transman Lawyer Chris Hixson

mark stopaAt the same time, Stopa’s trans-man gay lover Chris Hixson will ANSWER the first mortgage lender lawsuit. He will aggressively OBSTRUCT the lender. This will buy time for Aylsworth to complete the auction sale on the fabricated mortgage debt.

The purpose of this Funick fake mortgage foreclosure is to get the home to auction sale for the fake debt of $21k BEFORE the first mortgage lender forecloses and Stopa loses the house.

This is all part of a last grand scheme to MONETIZE the house before the first mortgage lender forecloses.

Newbie auction buyers will miss the Randy Ervin mortgage and think the home is going to sale for just $21k.   They will OVERBID on the judgment amount bidding hundreds of thousands of dollars to win the auction.

Stopa Manipulates The Court

The overbid amount is a SURPLUS that legally entitles Fubar Assets to collect under Florida law. So, even though the debt was completely fabricated, and the whole thing was a blatant fraud-on-the-court, a surplus was created and Stopa manipulates the Judges and County clerk to collect his winnings for him.

For example, if a buyer bids $200,000 over the $21k judgment amount, then that would create a $200,000 surplus. Stopa and his corrupt, co-conspirator wife Adrienne Federico would be able to collect this surplus.

And in this case, that auction buyer would be paying $221,000 for a $500,000 home with a first mortgage balance of over $827,000.

That is the scam.

This is how it works.

Why Are Mark Stopa, Aylsworth and Hixson Running this Scam?

mark stopa
Mark Stopa Crazy Train

Those that are unfamiliar with all of Mark Stopa’s scams might be wondering why would Stopa, Aylsworth and Hixson concoct such an elaborate fraud-on-the-court scam.

The answer is corruption, greed and MONEY.

They are all in on it and they all split the purloined profits.

The purpose of this scam is to TRICK an innocent foreclosure auction buyer into MISSING Randy Ervin’s first mortgage from over 15 years ago.

Stopa has intentionally buried the Ervin mortgage in the chain of title. He has transferred the deed to the property between Inland Assets LLC and Fubar Assets LLC. To a novice, the deed transfers appear to be corporate purchases for cash.

Newbie Investors Don’t Dig Deep Enough

The newbie investor does a simple title search of Fubar Assets LLC and Inland Assets LLC and finds no mortgages of record. This is where they make their mistake. They don’t do a full 30-year title search.  If they did, they would find the Randy Ervin’s first mortgage buried in the public record.

Most rookie investors can’t believe that a mortgage would still be in default from way back in 2007 – over 15 years ago.  That is just not possible in a normal situation.  But this is what Mark Stopa and his crime family attorneys do best.  They use court tricks and criminal tactics to obstruct and delay mortgage lenders for several years in order to equity skim hundreds of thousands of dollars in rents.

And now they are doing it again in Hillsborough County.

Why Hasn’t the Statewide Prosecutor Pounced On Stopa?

So, for those of you wondering WHY the Statewide Prosecutor hasn’t pounced on Stopa yet – this is why?   Stopa is the gift that keeps on giving.  He and his remaining crime family attorneys Ayslworth and Hixson continue to commit fraud-on-the-court crimes right in front of investigators.

They know they are being watched and they do it anyway.  Because they falsely believe that because they are working WITHIN the court system parameters – that they are not doing anything wrong.

They insidiously quote “Caveat Emptor” to blame their fraud on the ultimate victim.  In other words, the victim should have known that it was a scam so it is their fault they lost hundreds of thousands of dollars etc.

What Stopa, Aylsworth and Hixson fail to understand is FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING.   Their fraudulent filing should have NEVER been filed in the court system.   They set a fraudulent TRAP in order to use the court system to STEAL.

That is the crime.

An organized scheme to defraud.

This is a developing story…


Also, Check Out These Articles About Mark Stopa On

It’s The Mark Stopa Final Countdown…

Sealed Indictment Accuses Stopa of Heinous Crimes

Is Pervert Mark Stopa a Pedophile

Truth About Mark Stopa

Mark Stopa is Repressing Homoerotic Fantasies

Mark Stopa to Eat From The Smorgasbord of Shit

RICO Day of Reckoning For Stopa is Rapidly Approaching

Stopa Stooges UNITE! Stopa Subpoenas Judges For Depositions

The Judge Anthony Rondolino Bromance With Mark Stopa

Judge Anthony Woody Rondolino Busted Protecting Mark Stopa

Judge Anthony Rondolino Colluded With Disbarred Attorney Mark Stopa

Retired Judge Anthony Rondolino Has Rekindled His Stopa Bromance

The Mark Stopa Judicial Enemies List

Disbarred Scammer Mark Stopa is Spiraling Into Madness

Mark Stopa EATS Massive Shit Sandwich

Why is the Florida Bar Ignoring Mark Stopa And All His Copycat Attorneys?

Mark Stopa’s Home Was Raided Alleges Former DCF Investigator

But, Wait! There’s More!

Judge Patricia Muscarella Is A Crook Alleges Mark Stopa

Have Stopa Associate Steven Cozzi’s Remains Been Found?

Mark Stopa Bombshell!  Stopa Never Took The Bar Exam

Mark Stopa is Completely Unhinged!  Is He Going to Harm Himself?

The Arrest of Mark Stopa:  Gamblers are Now Weighing In

Mark Stopa Client Claims His Law Firm Sexually Harassed Her

Adrienne Federico And Mark Stopa: Beauty And The Angry Beast

Mark Stopa Shit His Pants In Court! We Shit You Not!

Will The Court Finally Declare Psychotic Mark Stopa Declare NUTS?

Mark Stopa Dirty Secrets:  What Mysteries Lie in Stopa’s Bar File?

Let’s also take a moment of silence to remember the Mark Stopa Victims who lost millions to his scam over the last several months:

Mark Stopa Appears

Mark Stopa and the Adrienne Federico Crime Family Have STOLEN Over $60 Million!





This is just a small sample of victims. The Stopa-Federico Crime Family also has dozens of shell companies running the same scam in multiple counties throughout the State of Florida.

Are You A Victim Of One Of The Stopa-Federico Crime Family Real Estate Or Foreclosure Surplus Scams?   

Are you a former Mark Stopa client who lost their home?


Click here to contact FDLE today if you are victim of Mark Stopa or have further details about his scams.  Click here to message the Office of Statewide Prosecutor Direct. You Can Also Contact Us Here.

You can also read more about Mark Stopa on

No More Tick Tock, You Dumbass Lying Thief. 

You are now out of time.




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