Mark Stopa Goomah Ashley Dixon Contacts Us. Does She Want To Dish Dirt Or Is It An Elaborate Trap Set By Sleazy Stopa?
The other day, received an email from former Mark Stopa paralegal and Stopa goomah Ashley Dixon. What she wanted is unclear. She only wrote:
“I used to work for Mark Stopa. I worked with him from Nov 2011-Aug 2020. Would love to chat.”
Mark Stopa was suspended by the Florida Supreme court in July 2018 and his law firm was raided by the FDLE in August 2018. Stopa was ultimately disbarred in September of 2019 for a host of crimes as detailed in an anonymous Dossier, including fraud and stealing homes from his own legal clients.
Something really stinks here.
As a Stopa Law Firm paralegal, what exactly was Ashley Dixon doing for Mark Stopa from 2018 to 2020 when she says she worked for him?
How can a paralegal work for a suspended and disbarred attorney?
Was Stopa paying her for more than just paralegal work?
What was Ashley Dixon REALLY doing for Mark Stopa?
What she wanted to chat about exactly we don’t know. All of the Stopa Federico crime family members are now turning on Stopa and spilling the beans with investigators so maybe Dixon is now seeking to cover her ass for her participation in Stopa’s crimes.
Does Dixon now want to dish dirt on Stopa? Is she going to tell us Stopa suffers from erectile dysfunction, confirm his penile agenesis or that he’s really gay and in the closet?
Did Stopa lie to her like he lies to everyone? Was she cheated out of a paycheck by Stopa? After all, he stiffed everyone else who ever worked for him including over a dozen court reporters.
A federal fraud and embezzlement lawsuit filed by Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustee after an extensive investigation, revealed Stopa screwed pretty much everyone. He screwed his family, his kids, his clients, his law firm, his employees, his friends, his associates and business partners like Attorney Richard Mockler.
The investigation revealed Stopa embezzled over $1.1 Million dollars from his Stopa Law Firm before he sold it to Mocker. The investigation showed Stopa siphoned all the cash from the law firm accounts into his own personal bank account before signing the deal with Mockler.
It’s a Sleazy Stopa Trap!
Initially we thought Dixon might be sincere and just another “Mark Stopa Victim”. However, the inner Admiral Ackbar in our heads started yelling, “IT’S A TRAP!”
So, our team of researchers went digging. First we found Ms. Dixon has an extensive rap sheet with the law which indicates to any rational person that she cannot be trusted.
We also found the former Stopa paralegal has filed a number of false affidavits as a pay-to-play fake witness, supporting Stopa in his rampage of frivolous Pro Se revenge lawsuits that he filed after his 2019 disbarment.
Dixon blatantly lied under oath in two of the affidavits. The courts ignored or tossed several of Dixon’s affidavits for being nothing more than nonsensical gibberish.
Is Stopa Openly Defiling The Sacred Sacrament of Marriage?
We contacted several former Stopa associates who still speak to Stopa. We learned that Stopa’s relationship with Dixon went far beyond Dixon being a just a paralegal in his shuttered law firm.
Dixon was apparently paid by Stopa for far more than just paralegal work. In addition, they say the two have allegedly been seen frolicking through the streets of St. Petersburg. Witnesses also say they saw Dixon leading Stopa around Tampa in a butch collar and dog leash.
This isn’t the first time Stopa has defiled his wedding vows. Several years ago, he openly bragged about having torrid affairs with foreclosure mill attorneys.
His close relationship with gay attorneys Steven Cozzi and boss Jake Blanchard also calls into question if Stopa “bats both ways” and is being unfaithful to his wife on the other side of the fence.
Dixon, like Stopa’s now 18-year-old daughter, has also posted an overabundance of scantily clad pictures of herself on social media. Just like Stopa’s daughter, Dixon appears to be trying to secure a casting couch “session” to land a movie role by flaunting her goods online.
The big question appears to be, does Dixon fulfill Stopa’s needs to feel emasculated and made to feel like a “cuckolded little bitch” like Adrienne does?
After all, Dixon’s Twitter handle is, “BossyBitch21”.
Stopa’s fetish for being dominated and emasculated will definitely serve him well in prison.
He will acclimate easily to being the center in interracial bukkake circles and being passed around at cell block Mandingo parties.
Maybe Ashley Dixon will visit Stopa in Santa Rosa and literally save his ass by smuggling in some boy butter.

Let’s also take a moment of silence to remember the Mark Stopa Victims who lost millions to his scam over the last several months:
Over $10 Million STOLEN by Mark Stopa and the Federico Crime Family
This is just a small sample of victims. The Stopa-Federico Crime Family also has dozens of shell companies running the same scam in multiple counties throughout the State of Florida.
Also, Check Out More Stories About Shit Bag Mark Stopa’s Equity Skimming Crimes:
Is Mark Stopa a Fugitive On the Run From the FDLE?
The Curse of Stopa Stink Breath
Did the Mark Stopa Crime Family Start a New Business?
Is Mark Stopa On The Run Fleeing Florida To Evade Arrest By FDLE?
Mark Stopa Admits To Fasting. Is He Prepping For Prison Life?
Whoopee Cushion Mark Stopa Is A Deflated Loser
The Mark Stopa Disbarment: The Truth Vs. Mark Stopa
Did Missing Steven Cozzi Know The Dirty Secrets Of Mark Stopa?
Judge Jack Helinger Takes Bribes Claims Mark Stopa
The Judge Anthony Rondolino Bromance With Mark Stopa
Did Segal And Schuh Law Group Give Mark Stopa The Boot?
Pathological Liar Mark Stopa is Terrorizing Florida
Ethical Misfit Mark Stopa Called Out By Legal Website
Everyone Is Laughing At Mark Stopa
Crazy Mark Stopa Tales: Is Mark Stopa A Danger To The Public?
Mark Stopa Book People v Money Is A Colossal Flop
Are You A Victim Of One Of The Stopa-Federico Crime Family Real Estate Or Foreclosure Surplus Scams?
Are you a former Mark Stopa client who lost their home?
Click here to contact FDLE today if you are victim of Mark Stopa or have further details about his scams. You Can Also Contact Us Here.
You can also read more about Mark Stopa on
No More Tick Tock, You Dumbass Lying Thief.
You are now out of time.
Let the show begin.